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                                                  T'SHOMBE'S DEUTERONOMOUS
                                        LITTLE BROTHER
                                                  T'SHOMBE'S TASHA
                                                  ZIMBABWA'S BIG MOCA
                                        RIDGLEA DANCER
                                                  ZIMBABWA'S MOON DANCER
                                                  QUABA JUKA
                                        QUABA JUKA JAZZ
                                                  RHODA RIDGE RAKER
                              PENNY JUBA LEE
                                                  CLAUSEL'S ULYSSES
                                        LADY DI
                                                  ROJO SADIE DARE
          JACOB DYLAN
                    TARA V
                    HARDLEY DAVISON
          MISS KITTY
                                                  CH TEXRIDGE SHANI
                                        BEAU'-SUN OF SERENGETI
                                                  FAVOURITE MISS OF SPRINGBOK
                              CUJO ZAIRE-SUN OF SERENGETI
                                                  KALAHARI'S BANTU
                                        KENYATA OF ZIMBA'S BANTU
                                                  SANDI'S KENYA SUDAN
                    DESERT ROSE
                                                  CH ZURI-SANA
                                        SIMBA DIE BESKERMER
                                                  PRISCILLA SUE
                              LE MONETTE ROSE
                                                  CH RAINTREE'S OTEO NYOTA
                                        SHEBA DIE BESKERMER
                                                  TARNA OF HARPERS RIDGE

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09/30/2024 12:25:14 AM