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                                                  CH LOMO ROJO'S PLUTO 
                                        DEMON MIKEY OF BRISTOL 
                                                  LITTLE RHOO AMBER MOON 
                              WORTHAM'S COPPER CASH 
                                        MICHELE OF BRISTOL 
                    WORTHAM'S JAKE JINGLE 
                              WORTHAM'S DEAH 
                    BOZARTH'S MADDIE 
                              FOX FIRE 
                    WORTHAM'S RAZING CAIN 
                              RHOADIE GOLD 
          CIMARRON DEAH 
                    WORTHAM'S DEAH 

Home New Search Dog Information  Pedigree  Pedigree (Small Print)  Pedigree (Linked)  Offspring  Siblings 

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09/29/2024 03:35:33 PM