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                                                  CH CALICO RIDGE SUNDOWN BANDIT
                                        CH BEAU GUARDIAN OF ROSELAND
                                                  CH ROB NORM'S ELSA
                              ANDY'S BIG MAC
                                                  CH RUTAN MPENZI RAFIKI OF GERA
                                        LADY SHEBA OF ERAWAN
                                                  CH BAHARI MAUA, CD
                    NAN-NUK'S GUARDIAN TUG
                                        MAD MAX LOVELAND
                              JUSTICES CRY BABY JUNE
                                                  LORD CECIL RHODES
                                        BABY MCCOLLUM
                                                  CRYSTAL JADE
          LAWSON'S KUNTA
                              WORTHAM'S TOMBA BUCKHUNA
                    ROWES DAISY DUKE
                              NORTHAM'S ZOLA ZEE
                                                  CH ZURI-SANA
                                        SIMBA DIE BESKERMER
                                                  PRISCILLA SUE
                              HOLMES DIE BESKERMER
                                                  CH RAINTREE'S OTEO NYOTA
                                        SHEBA DIE BESKERMER
                                                  TARNA OF HARPERS RIDGE
                    BESKERMER RIDGE
                                        BODIDDLEY BEAU
                              CAROL'S PRINCESS
                                        CHRON'S RIDGE RUNNIN WARRIOR
                              WORTHAM'S TOMBA BUCKHUNA
                    PINEHAVEN'S KENYA
                              NORTHAM'S ZOLA ZEE

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09/29/2024 05:22:37 PM